Families often present to their primary care providers when their children are refusing to go to school. School refusal can happen for a variety of reasons. The phenomenon has increased significantly since the pandemic. Many children who are refusing to go to school have an underlying mental health concern. The most common mental health concerns […]
Bullying 8/14/24
For many children, the anxiety of a new school year is not just one of nervous excitement about a new year beginning. For many it may be a youth’s severe concern of about the risk of victimization as a result of peer bullying. Awareness of the potential that a youth may be experiencing bullying should be part […]
The Link Between Traumatic Experience and Substance Use Disorders 7/30/24
The relationship between traumatic experiences and the development of substance use disorders (SUDs) has been a subject of extensive research in the fields of psychology, psychiatry, and public health. Traumatic experiences, defined as events that involve actual or threatened death, serious injury, or sexual violence, significantly impact mental health. Other traumatic experiences, such as adverse […]
Why Do American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) Teens Use Substances? An Overview 7/16/24
This is the first in a series of newsletters on substance use in AI/AN youth. Substance use among teenagers remains a pervasive and multifaceted issue, eliciting concern from healthcare professionals, educators, and parents alike. Adolescence, a period marked by rapid physiological, psychological, and social changes, is often associated with experimentation and changes in behavior and […]
Tips for Reducing Stimulant Medication Side Effects 7/2/24
Stimulant medications are the primary medications used to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). These medications can be very helpful for children and youth who struggle with hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention so that they can more successfully function in the home and school environments. At times, these medications can lead to problematic side effects such […]
Strategies for Summer Break 6/12/24
Most people look forward to summer break – vacations, warmer weather, not having to wake up early for school. However, for many kids and families, summer breaks can be challenging because of the change from the usual routine. This is especially true for children and youth with mental health and developmental concerns, for whom structure […]
Understanding Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI’s): Mechanisms, Applications & Considerations
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) represent a class of antidepressant medications widely prescribed for various mood and anxiety disorders. Here, we provide an overview of SSRIs, including their mechanisms of action, pharmacokinetics, therapeutic applications, adverse effects, and considerations for clinical practice. By synthesizing current research and clinical insights, we hope to enhance understanding of SSRIs […]
Sensory Processing Concerns: What is it and how can a Sensory Diet help? PART 2
In our last newsletter, we discussed Sensory Processing Disorder’s symptoms, possible causes and where to refer our patients suspected of this. This week we will discuss possible treatment and activities that are beneficial. Treatment Most OTs will work in session to develop sensory activities that can help with sensory processing concerns. This is referred to […]
Sensory Processing Concerns: What is it and how can a Sensory Diet help? Part 1
Case Presentation 7 year old boy with chief complaint of “frequent meltdowns”. Additional history: daily meltdowns (crying, hitting) with loud sounds or when asked to wear certain clothing; wants to make friends but poor boundaries and accidentally hurts peers at school when he is playing with them; hard time sitting during seat work at school […]
Medication Treatment Algorithm for Adolescent Depression in Primary Care 4/16/24
Adolescent depression is a significant mental health concern, with potential long-term implications if left untreated. While psychotherapy remains a cornerstone of treatment, medication can be an essential component for moderate to severe cases or when psychotherapy alone is insufficient. This medication treatment algorithm outlines evidence-based pharmacological interventions for adolescent depression, incorporating safety considerations, efficacy, and […]